illustration gif of a window pane looking out to a dark and stormy night
'Tis a sweltering, dark and stormy summer evening in July. You are a hardworking indie podcaster, coming up on a deadline, editing furiously on your laptop. You work a day job: evenings and weekends are the only time yo uhave to work on your show. A cup of coffee is definitely in order. You walk to the kitchen and prepare 16 ounces of hot, caffeine-infused, liquid life. You walk the cup over to your desk, and as you are setting it down, are jolted by the sound of a very close bolt of lightning! Startled, you drop your cup. Coffee spills everywehere. All over you. All over the floor. All over your laptop.
Happy face. To see what happens if you have a backup plan in place, click here.
Otherwise, click here to see what happens to you without a backup plan in place!

Plaintext: 'Tis a sweltering, dark and stormy summer evening in July. You are a hardworking indie podcaster, coming up on a deadline, editing furiously on your laptop. You work a day job: evenings and weekends are the only time yo uhave to work on your show. A cup of coffee is definitely in order. You walk to the kitchen and prepare 16 ounces of hot, caffeine-infused, liquid life. You walk the cup over to your desk, and as you are setting it down, are jolted by the sound of a very close bolt of lightning! Startled, you drop your cup. Coffee spills everywehere. All over you. All over the floor. All over your laptop. Click on the happy face if you have a backup plan. Click on the sad face if you don't have a backup plan.